Frequently asked questions.
Why should I use a longarm quilting service?
If you have ever quilted using a domestic sewing machine then you already know one of the greatest reasons - it’s hard to do! Yes, you absolutely can machine quilt your treasures on a domestic sewing machine, but it takes a fair bit of practice to become proficient with the skill required. A longarmer has already put in years of “practice” before quilting for others. As for me? I’ve been a part time hand guided longarmer for over 15 years using a Gammill, and I have added a HandiQuilter with ProStitcher to the studio this year.
How should I prepare my quilt for Longarm quilting?
Your quilt top should be square and be stay stitched around the perimeter if there aren’t unpieced outer borders. All wayward threads should be trimmed from the wrong and right sides on your top, and the tops should be carefully pressed to remove any wrinkles.
If you are providing your own batting, it should be 3-4” larger than your top, in EACH direction. (Example: if your quilt top is 50”x60”, then your batting should be a minimum of 56”x66” and a maximum of 58”x68”.
Your backing should be pieced, if not providing an extra-wide, with a 1/2” seam (pressed open to distribute bulk) after salvages are trimmed off. I usually piece my backings while the salvages are on, using a 1” seam, then I will trim that seam to the 1/2” and press the seams open. Your backing should be the same size as the batting, or a few inches larger. If the backing is too large, it is harder to quilt without getting warping or tucks in the backing.
How long will it take before I get my quilt back?
That completely depends on current demand on the longarmer. Some seasons have higher demand than others, so you should ask this question when you contact a longarmer before committing to bring your quilt.
How much will this cost?
This is something you should discuss with your longarmer before committing to bring your quilt. The cost completely depends on the size of the quilt, the quilt desired, whether you provide batting and if there are additional services requested.